14—15/12/2024 | Výstaviště Praha, Holešovice

My artwork has been exhibited internationally in museums and galleries, and is in the collections of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, Crown Point Press, the al Serkal Foundation, and the deYoung Museum’s Auchenbach Collection, among others. My work has been widely published including F-Stop Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, US News and World Reports, Billboard Magazine, and The Washington Post Magazine. I received an EEA and Norway Grant and a Research Incentive Fund Grant for my artwork and as an Arts Podcaster, I have given workshops at Photoworld Dubai, Gulf Photo Plus, Maraya Art Center, University of North Carolina At Wilmington, and participated in a residency at No Boundaries Artist Colony. I am currently a Professor of Photography at the University of Maryland Global Campus, and host and creator of the Art podcast, The Wise Fool. I received an MFA in New Genres Arts from the San Francisco Art Institute, and a BFA in Photography from the Corcoran School of Art and Design in Washington DC. I also do portfolio reviews online for LensCulture.com. Over the years, I have worked in museums, galleries, universities, stock photography agencies, as a photojournalist, picture framer, art critic, director of a community darkroom, a waiter, a roadie. I studied with artists and photographers, massage therapists, chefs, reflexologists, Native American shamans, and was a mentor/judge on “I am Nat Geo Photographer” Arabic TV show. In 2003 I founded the ongoing affordable art fair Art for the Masses, and in 2004 created a public sculpture program Pedestrian Art, both in Wilmington, NC.


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